Micro and Nano Flows
MNF2023 Mini-symposia
During MNF2023, several Mini-Symposia on different topics will be organized to present the most advanced achievements on special topics.
The Chair/Organizer is in charge of gathering 4-5 contributions for the Mini-Symposium.
The Chair/Organizer will open the Mini-Smymposium with a 20-25 min invited talk + 10-5 min Q&A.
The Chair/Organizer will then chair the Mini-Symposium.
Are you interested in organizing a Mini-Symposium?
Send an email with your Idea to simone.mancin@unipd.it
Do you want to submit a paper for a Mini-Symposium? Include the Mini-Symposium title in your extended abstract just above the title and submit it through the standard submission system.
Join the Mini-symposia special sessions.
MINI-symposia LIST
1 - Computational modeling of microscale flows
Dr. Chiara Sorgentone, "La sapienza", University of Rome, Rome, Italy
2 - Nanofluids: beyond NANOconVEX
Prof. Leonor Lopéz Hernandez, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain
Prof. Matthias Bushmann, ILK Dresden, Germany
3 - Flows on micro- or nano- structured surfaces
Prof. Stefania Cherubini, University of Bari, Bari, Italy
4 - Phase field approaches to modeling multiphase micro-flows
Prof. Roberto Mauri, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
5 - Contact line dynamics in heterogeneous environments
Dr. Nikos Savva, The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus
6 - Near surface effects in two-phase flows
Dr. Mirco Magnini, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
7 - Experimental techniques in phase change heat transfer
Prof. Matteo Bucci, MIT , Boston, USA
8 - Biological flows at the microscale: physics and application
Prof. Stavroula Balabani, University Colege London, UK
Prof. Efstathios Kaliviotis, Cyprus University of Technology (CUT ), Cyprus
Prof. Carola Koenig, Brunel University London, UK